mardi 12 août 2014

Getaways - Escape reality for few magic moments - Special edition for activities involving "glowing" little things

I thought I could gather here some of the beautiful findings on mind-blowing getaways I am keen on trying myself as soon as possible! Today's post involves glowing things indeed... that is just a thing I'm fascinated in...  For all these place you can apply this sentence: "is this real life?" Well, go and see yourself is my best advice!

- Igloo Village Kakslauttanen, Lapland, Finland
What? This beautiful igloo village located in the far north of Finland offers the possibilities to stay the night in a two- or four-people glass igloo with top notch luxury to stare at the endless sky with bright stars and the Northern lights over cold snowy winter nights while laying on the gigantic bed. If you are lucky enough you may even spot shooting stars. I guess for the lucky ones who get the cleared sky with the snow surrounding the cosy igloo, this romantic getaway also offers husky safari and sauna experiences to make one complete! 
Why? You are looking for a cosy, unique and unforgettable romantic getaway within Europe with the beauty of the Nordics in mind? This must be your pick!! Just imagine the magic behind a night observing the stars. 10 on the scale of mind-blowing experience with your love one.
When? The Northern lights season runs from September to March. So think no more and book your night!
How much? It seems that the starting price is 300 euros per night for an igloo for two.

- Vaadhoo beach, Maldives
What? You have seen the Avatar movie with these blue gigantic creatures living in the most beautiful planet ever, right? If now I tell you that there is a place on earth that could take you for a few hours into the world of Avatar, would you even believe that it does exist? Well, let me reveal to you this incredibly dreamy place: Vaadhoo beach in the Maldives glows blue when the night comes! These blue little glowing creatures are organisms called Ostracod crustaceans. The ones who have been to this place would testify that you can get amazing pictures to be posted on Instagram with these hashtags #nofilter #glowingbluethings 
Why? For the people looking for more than just a white-sand beach with crystal clear water. For the ones fascinating about glowing things.
When? All year long! 
How much? Well, you need to get to the Maldives first... then the experience in itself is free of charge. Paris - Maldives cost from 600 euros or more, not that expensive when you think about it... :-)

Waitomo caves, North Island, New Zealand
What? The culprit is found under the name of Arachnocampa luminosa, a bioluminescent tiny creature living in the caves located outside the city of Waitomo on the North Island of New Zealand. I like to call them "the shining stars of the underworld" because they create the illusion of a night sky full of bright stars. I'm proud to say that I have been to this unreal place. I adventured myself in the deep depths of the Waitomo caves when traveling through New Zealand.
Why? If you are looking for a unique experience where you feel completely disconnected from the world and just live through the peaceful and beautiful experience that these caves take you through, GO!
When? New Zealand is nicer during summer (the south hemisphere one, of course) but the glow worms are not going anywhere all year long.
How much? 225 NZ dollars with the Black Abyss tour with Black Water Rafting & Co. Other options are available but that's the one I did.
Life is too short and the world is too big, stop wasting time and just go on an adventure! 

Well these are the three I know, if you know anything that shines, glows, gets fluorescent and is fun to do please let me know in the comment section and I will be happy to investigate the "glowing" place.

mardi 12 avril 2011

Welcome welcome people from around the world ^^

Hello everyone !
This is my first time blogging so I don't garantee the result haha !
I will blog in English so everyone will be able to read my silly stories and so I won't give any preferential treatment to any of my precious friends :)

So what will this blog be about ? Hum... Good question ! I would say a bit of everything : silly stories that will happen to me, funny ones, interesting ones, even boring ones haha I still don't really know but I will try my best to make you want more and more (not easy but still trying !)

Ok let's stop here for the intro and let's move to my first story (or fact or whatever you call it) :
Me and why the hell am I sleeping so late ? (it's actually 2.38am and I'm still wearing my day clothes and not my PJ !) So what's the point of sleeping very very late ? Is sleeping a waste of time ? I heard Man kind sleep 1/3 of his own life (or more for some ?!) so that means that you are kinda inactive for about 27 years of your life ? Considering Man lives about 80 years (I'm optimistic in this one lol) Hum... so if I follow this way of thinking I'm just trying to be more active right? haha some of you may not agree, since I bet some of you guys know that I often sleep during lectures * don't tell !* haha
Anyway ! Boring first talk...sorry it's just a first try, I'll do better the next time !

Hope you will enjoy my blogging talks and looking foward to reading your feedbacks :)

Sweet as mate !
xxx Kris xxx

NB : I found this rad picture on Google entitled "Sleeping Eggs" in order to illustrate my talk but my first thought when I see it was "White guy dude somewhere in Asia" hahahahahahahaha (sorry for this lame joke I couldn't resist)
xxx Kris xxx